Two day on-site visit with Gail Gudell and Ellen Rohr
Ready to make more money? Ready to KNOW where you stand financially? Ready to DEMYSTIFY the accounting systems? We can help. Together, we’ll…
- Get you to KFP – a Known Financial Position. We will assemble a clean, real, right set of financial statements…Balance Sheet and Income Statement….so that you know exactly where you stand. The focus is on crafting the Chart of Accounts and financial reports to reflect YOUR business so that you can use these reports to make good management decisions. We can untangle the “slinky-knot-mess” and streamline your too-complicated financial reports.
- Your Budget…for next year, next month, next week. We will help you put your Budget together…focusing on what you want out of life and business. You will USE this Budget to move in the direction of your financial and business Goals. During this process…
- You will establish financial Goals for every area of your business…in dollars and percentages. And, we’ll keep it SIMPLE…the few numbers that make all the difference, and all the money.
- You will create the Selling Prices for your products and services. No more out of thin air pricing.
- You will have a simple Financial Quick Check system for measuring results…and improving individual and team performance. No arguments, objective measurements make it easier to see when you are off track…and help you get back on track.
- You will have customized Procedures for STAYING in-the-know about your financial position so that you can make better, faster, more profitable decisions. We’ll train you and your team as we go go go!
- The Scoreboards…for your Sales Team and Installers. We’ll set the stage for getting your team in on the game. We will introduce you to the Scorecards and Scoreboards and a solid Bonus program. The Budget can “dovetail” with a sound compensation program, one that honors and rewards the best performers and won’t shoot your profits in the foot.
BONUS – the Financial Intensive includes The Bare Bones Biz Complete Suite…ALL of our books, systems and forms.
Included with the Financial Intensive –The KFP Graduation Program
As we conclude our consulting sessions, we kick in the Graduation Program designed to make sure the systems you put in place STAY in place. Here’s how it works:
- On the 10th of each month for THREE months, send us
- Your latest Financial Quick Check
- The supporting Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- The Month End Checklist for the previous month
- We will review the files for accuracy and look for “Red Flags.” If all is well…we will send you a THUMBS UP email. Should you get a THUMBS UP, there is no need to schedule a follow up call. There is NO CHARGE for a THUMBS UP email review of your files.
- Ellen will follow up and check your homework, via email and phone, and address the challenges or fix the mistakes. She will applaud your progress!
- Three THUMBS UP…and you graduate! That means you are operating from KFP and using your Budget and Financial Reports to make better, faster, more profitable decisions.
- We will send you and your team official Graduation acknowledgement of your financial accomplishments.
- We will make Grad School programs available to you when you have tackled KFP and are moving on to more strategic business management challenges.
Interested? Click the button below to proceed.
“With Ellen’s help, we created a budget that set goals for everyone and everything that goes on at our company. I now know the right way to come up with my correct selling price. And the few reports I run today allow me to adjust my spending so I can protect my profitability, even in a slow sales month.
“The Financial Quick Check Form is the coolest thing. It’s like a financial dashboard. I can look at this one page report and know just where my business stands and be empowered to make positive changes based on key numbers. Today I’m spending less time and money running meaningless reports which gives me more time to focus on ways to speed down the financial highway of success.”
Ed and Vicky Turek
Turek’s Plumbing, Inc.

Call Ray Gremaux at (631) 581-2500 to ask him about the positive impact of Ellen’s Financial Intensive program.
“I have been in the plumbing service business for over 36 years now, and have invested lots of money on tools and trucks and my shop and all the stuff I needed to run my service company – and I have to tell you that I never made a smarter investment as when we hired you guys.
The dividends have already paid off the very first two days of having used the Pricing Grid you included in the Bare Bones Business Suite. We were finally able to confidently implement our correct selling prices, and in those two days Ellen, not only did Dennis and Ken reach our budgeted daily sales goal, but both days – both techs – surpassed our goals and set their own individual sale records! The first two days! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!”
Ray Gremaux
Ray the Plumber
“Ellen Rohr is the reason that Radiant Plumbing is at a known financial position (KFP) today and what a difference it makes! We have operated in the dark for years and are now able to make sound decisions based on up to date, accurate information. Ellen helped us turn around our accounting nightmare and was very encouraging throughout the process.”
Sarah Casebier
Radiant Plumbing Service
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