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Get to a KFP (Known Financial Position), Build a Budget and Keep Score

Bare Bones Biz agrees to:

Deliver the The Financial Blast Phone consulting program.  We will…

  • Hit the ground running!   We’ll schedule six two-hour phone meetings with Ellen.  The phone time to help you understand, customize and use the Budgeting Programs to help you set financial Goals.  And, we will work together to customize the Scorecards to help you track your progress and achieve those Goals.  This phone consultation program includes…
  • Create The Bare Bones Biz Budgeting Programs.
  • The Baby Budget is perfect for beginning Budgeters…and for “broad strokes” Budgeting of divisions and new ventures.
  • The Bare Bones Biz Basic Budget delivers spot-on Goals for Sales, Expenses, Service Providers’ performance, Marketing and much more! 
  • Learn how to use The Financial Quick Check… a one page report that helps you track Sales, Expenses, Cash Flow and Key Numbers…percentages and dollar amounts…and compare actual performance to Budgeted performance.  Ever been overwhelmed by pages of financial data?  This report is a concise summary of the FEW things that make ALL the difference in your financial situation. 
  • Incorporate The Bare Bones Biz Month End Checklist  This service includes the Bare Bones Biz Month End Checklist, a terrific procedure that will help you and your bookkeeper know exactly where you stand…and where the money is…every month.

Also included is Ellen’s Special E-Toolbox…

The Bare Bones Biz Plan – All it takes is YOU and a three ring binder to help you build a USEABLE plan for making your business dreams come true!  (Downloadable PDF file and an Excel Baby Budget program)

Where Did the Money Go? – Accounting Basics for the Business Owner Who Hates Numbers!  (Downloadable PDF file)

How Much Should I Charge? – Pricing Basics for Making Money Doing What You Love!  (Downloadable PDF file)

Financial Basics 102 – a Contractor-specific collection of forms, tools and processes to help you get to KFP and Reward the Right Stuff with winning compensation and bonus programs. (Downloadable Word, Excel and PDF files)

You will benefit from the support and accountability of this powerful phone consultation.  We are happy to work with your bookkeeper and accountant, too.  We can work together as a team in the pursuit of your Goals.  Your investment includes the six phone sessions, intense review of your financial statements and systems, follow up email support, and all the forms.

NOTE:  It is possible for you to successfully complete the Financial Blast via phone conferences.  On Call Number Three, we will take a look at your completed assignments.  If you fail to make good progress for any reason, we will schedule the Financial Intensive!  (Think of it as Nanny 911 for the financial area of your business.)  We will apply the price of the Financial Blast to your investment in the Financial Intensive.


Included with the Financial Blast and Intensive Programs -The KFP Graduation Program

As we conclude our consulting sessions, we kick in the Graduation Program designed to make sure the systems you put in place STAY in place.  Here’s how it works:

  • On the 10th of each month for THREE months, send us…
    • Your latest Financial Quick Check.
    • The supporting Balance Sheet and Income Statement
    • The Month End Checklist for the previous month
  • We will review the files for accuracy and look for “Red Flags.” If all is well…we will send you a THUMBS UP email.  Should you get a THUMBS UP, there is no need to schedule a follow up call. There is NO CHARGE for a THUMBS UP email review of your files.
  • Ellen will follow up and check your homework, via email and phone, and address the challenges or fix the mistakes.  She will applaud your progress!
  • Three THUMBS UP…and you graduate! That means you are operating from KFP and using your Budget and Financial Reports to make better, faster, more profitable decisions.
  • We will send you and your team official Graduation acknowledgement of your financial accomplishments.
  • We will make Grad School programs available to you when you have tackled KFP and are moving on to more strategic business management challenges.


LoefflerThe biggest impact in working with Ellen?  Operating from a KFP (Known Financial Position) and knowing the score.  Ellen walked us through getting our financials current and accurate.  This allows me to create a winning selling price and I am confident charging it.  If you don’t know the numbers, then you just don’t know what’s working and what’s not – in marketing, sales and operations.  When you know your numbers, the pieces can fall into place and you are able to move your company to the next level.  If you own a business, you need this program…it will pay for itself.
Jake Loeffler

Loeffler“After working with Ellen, we can look at our books in a split second at any given time and know if we are making money.   And, as long as we keep doing the tasks that Ellen has told us to, we will continue to know our financial position.”

CLICK HERE to read more!

Gina Gasperini
Northeast Radiant


“I guess I was not too sure that Ellen and her team could really provide our company with something much better than what we were already doing.  Once I started working with Ellen I realized how much I still had to learn. Since completing the program with Ellen, we now have the ability to know on a daily basis where we are financially. We can run a daily P & L or Balance Sheets which are actually accurate and understandable!!

We understand on a daily basis what our hourly and daily cost of doing business is and what level our pricing needs to be. Budgeting, which was never done before, is now done and utilized. The best part of all is that we can do all of this without having to hire any new administrative personnel and more importantly without having to “wait for the accountant to get our stuff back to us”.

If you have an open mind and are ready to make a change for the better then I would highly recommend enlisting the services of Ellen and her team.”

Jim Sparrow
The Water Specialist Inc.
Hillsborough, NC

Call Jim Sparrow at (919)732-1578 to ask him about the positive impact of Ellen’s Financial Blast program.

